
The config.yml configuration

In this section, we will explain to you every config value from config.yml. If you have any more questions, feel free to join our discord support server!

Config explanation


  enabled: false
  host: 'localhost'
  database: 'database'
  username: 'username'
  password: 'password'
  port: 3306
  useSSL: false

These are the login information for MySQL, if the MySQL is disabled, we will use SQLite as the database.


  enabled: true
  interval: 300
  sendMessage: true

Auto save feature. If enabled this feature will save all players data every x amount of time, the interval is in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second.

Update Notification

notifyUpdate: true

Should we notify you if there is a new update on this plugin?

Starting Balance

starting-balance: 0

How many mobcoins should a player gets for the first time?

Command Aliases

  - "mc"
  - "mobcoin"
  - "aliascoin"

On this part, you can add as many aliases as you want, the default command is mobcoins and those are the default aliases for the mobcoins plugin.

Mobcoins Options

  physicalMobCoin: false
  disableMobCoinFromSpawner: true
  enableMobCoinsReceiveMessage: true

These all are a couple of options for mobcoins.

  • physicalMobCoin This option is to set whether the plugin should use virtual or physical mobcoin (false for virtual and true for physical).

  • disableMobCoinFromSpawner This option is to set whether should we not give players mobcoins if they're killing mobs from spawners.

  • enableMobCoinsReceiveMessage This option is to set whether should we give messages/titles/action bar/sound when a player receives mobcoins


  shopBehaviour: MAIN_MENU
  closeAfterPurchase: false
  confirmationMenu: true
    enabled: true
    updateEvery: 20

These are all options for the mobcoins shop.

  • shopBehaviour This option is to set what menu will be opened if command /mobcoins shop is being executed, all available menus are MAIN_MENU, ROTATING_SHOP, and CATEGORY_SHOP

  • closeAfterPurchase This option is to set whether should we close the shop menu after the player purchasing any items in the shop.

  • confirmationMenu This option is to set whether should we use the confirmation menu before for the player before purchasing any items in the shop.

  • autoUpdate This option is for auto-updating the GUI, so the placeholder will be updated. The updateEvery is in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)

Salary Mode

  enabled: true
  announceEvery: 300
  receiveAfterMessage: false
    - ''
    - '&6&l[!] Mob &e&lCoins &7(Earning Summary)'
    - '&fYou have earned &6{amount} coins &fin the past 5 minutes!'
    - ''

These are all options for the salary mode

What is a salary mode? Basically, salary mode is giving players notification of how many mobcoins that they received within a period amount of times, and they can be notified with titles/action bar/sounds/messages.

  • enabled Should we enable the salary mode? If disabled players will receive notifications every time they received mobcoins.

  • announceEvery How often should we give players notification? (The time is in seconds)

  • receiveAfterMessage (true) Should we give the mobcoins after the players received the notification or (false) should we give the mobcoins right after the players kill mobs and send the received notification later.

  • messages Notification Messages that will be displayed to players

Internal Placeholders

  unlimitedStock: "&aUnlimited"
  outOfStock: "&c&lOUT OF STOCK"
    nameIfEmpty: "&7None"
    balanceIfEmpty: "0"
    uuidIfEmpty: "none"

These placeholders will be used in specific locations and conditions, see the explanation below.

  • unlimitedStock This placeholder will be used when the item stock is below 0

  • outOfStock This placeholder will be used when the item stock is 0

  • mobCoinsTop List of placeholders that will be used for the leaderboard

  • nameIfEmpty/balanceIfEmpty/uuidIfEmpty These placeholders will be used when there is no player on that specific leaderboard position.

Disabled Worlds

  - 'exampleWorld'
  - 'theonly_world'

A list of worlds that mobcoins are disabled, that means players cannot receive mobcoins from that worlds.

Physical Mobcoins Item

  material: SUNFLOWER
  name: "&e&lMobcoins &7(Right Click)"
  glow: false
    - '&7You can use mobcoins to purchase'
    - '&7items on /mobcoins shop!'
    - ''
    - '&6{amount} coins &7are stored in this item!'
    - ''
    - '&6Right click to redeem!'

This is section to define the physical mobcoins item.

  • material This is the material of the item, and you can use base64 textures also (see the hint below)

  • name This is the name of the item that will be displayed

  • glow Should we make the item has a glow effect (enchanted)?

  • lore Lore of the item that will be displayed

To use base64 textures for the head, simply just put the material to be something like this head;<texture>

Please make sure to put the valid material, otherwise the plugin will throws an error. Here's the link for the material list. Doesn't matter what version you are using, we're still using the same material. But keep in mind, some materials are invalid on the lower versions.


    enabled: true
    volume: 1.0
    pitch: 1.0
    enabled: true
    volume: 1.0
    pitch: 1.0

These are all sounds that will be played on specific events and configurable.

  • onCoinsRedeem These sounds will be played when the player redeem physical mobcoins.

  • onCoinsReceived This sound will be played when the player receives virtual mobcoins from killing mobs or receives a salary.

Sounds options

  • enabled Should we enable this sound from playing it?

  • name The name of the sound

  • volume The volume of the sound

  • pitch The pitch of the sound

Please use the correct sound name, the list of all sounds name can be found here, but keep in mind there are several sounds that are not available on the lower versions.


    enabled: true
    title: "&e&l+{amount} MobCoins"
    subTitle: "&fYou just received {amount} coins"
    fadeIn: 20
    stay: 40
    fadeOut: 20

List of all titles that are available on the server

  • onCoinsReceived These titles will be played when players receive mobcoins or salary.

Titles Options

  • enabled Should we enable the titles from being displayed?

  • title The title of the title bar.

  • subTitle The subtitle of the title bar.

  • fadeIn How long should the fade-in animation be displayed?

  • stay How long should the title displayed after the fade-in animation

  • fadeOut How long should the fade-out animation be displayed after the stay.

The fadeIn, stay, and fadeOut animation time is in ticks. (20 ticks = 1 second)

The title and the subtitle have an internal placeholder, which is {amount}. The {amount} value return of how many mobcoins that the players receive

Action Bar

    enabled: true
    message: "&a+{amount} MobCoins"

List of all action bar that is available on the plugin

  • onCoinsReceived This action bar will be displayed when players receive mobcoins or salary

Action Bar Options

  • enabled Should we enable this action bar from being shown?

  • message The messages on the action bar

The messages of the action bar have an internal placeholder, which is {amount}. The {amount} value return of how many mobcoins that the players receive


  prefix: "&e[MobCoins]"
  noPermission: "{prefix} &cYou don't have enough permission!"
  reload: "{prefix} &aYou have reloaded the configuration &7(took {ms}ms)"
  balance: "{prefix} &fYour coins: &e{coins}"
  balanceOthers: "{prefix} &f{player}'s coins: &e{coins}"
  playerNotExists: "{prefix} &cThat player is not online!"
  notInt: "{prefix} &cThe amount argument is not a number!"
  addCoins: "{prefix} &aYou have given &e{amount} &a{type} coins to &e{player}"
  addCoinsOthers: "{prefix} &aYou have received &e{amount} &a{type} coins."
  invalidType: "{prefix} &cInvalid types! &7(physical, virtual)"
  removeCoins: "{prefix} &aYou have removed &e{amount} &acoins from &e{player}"
  removeCoinsOthers: "{prefix} &e{amount} &acoins has been removed from your account!"
  setCoins: "{prefix} &aYou have set &e{player} &acoins to &e{amount}"
  setCoinsOthers: "{prefix} &aYour coins has been set to &e{amount}"
  notEnoughCoins: "{prefix} &cYou don't have enough coins!"
  selfPay: "{prefix} &cYou can not give yourself coins!"
  pay: "{prefix} &aYou have given &e{amount} &acoins to &e{player}"
  payOthers: "{prefix} &aYou have received &e{amount} &acoins from &e{player}"
  redeem: "{prefix} &aYou have redeemed &e{amount} &acoins."
  coinsReceived: "{prefix} &aYou have received &e{amount} &acoins."
  itemOutOfStock: "{prefix} &cItem is out of stock!"
  purchaseLimitReached: "{prefix} &cYou can not purchase this item anymore!"
  minimumAmount: "{prefix} &cThe minimum amount is 1"
  inventoryFull: "{prefix} &cYour inventory is full, Please make some space!"
  withdraw: "{prefix} &aYou have withdrawed &6{amount} &acoins."
  categoryNotExists: "{prefix} &cCategory '{category}' is doesn't exist!"
    - "&6--------------------------------------"
    - "  &7Mobcoins Leaderboard"
    - ""
    - "   &6#1. &7%mobcoins_top_name_1% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_1% coins"
    - "   &6#2. &7%mobcoins_top_name_2% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_2% coins"
    - "   &6#3. &7%mobcoins_top_name_3% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_3% coins"
    - "   &6#4. &7%mobcoins_top_name_4% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_4% coins"
    - "   &6#5. &7%mobcoins_top_name_5% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_5% coins"
    - "   &6#6. &7%mobcoins_top_name_6% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_6% coins"
    - "   &6#7. &7%mobcoins_top_name_7% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_7% coins"
    - "   &6#8. &7%mobcoins_top_name_8% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_8% coins"
    - "   &6#9. &7%mobcoins_top_name_9% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_9% coins"
    - "   &6#10. &7%mobcoins_top_name_10% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_10% coins"
    - ""
    - "&6--------------------------------------"
    - "&e&lMobcoins Help &7- by aglerr"
    - "&e- /mobcoins help &7- shows up help messages"
    - "&e- /mobcoins balance [other] &7- see your/others mobcoins balance"
    - "&e- /mobcoins pay <player> <amount> &7- give others mobcoins"
    - "&e- /mobcoins shop &7- open up the shop menu"
    - "&e- /mobcoins withdraw <amount> &7- turn virtual mobcoins into physical"
    - "&e- /mobcoins top &7- shows the mobcoins leaderboard"
    - "&e&lMobcoins Help &7(Admin) - by aglerr"
    - "&e- /mobcoins help &7- shows up help messages"
    - "&e- /mobcoins balance [other] &7- see your/others mobcoins balance"
    - "&e- /mobcoins pay <player> <amount> &7- give others mobcoins"
    - "&e- /mobcoins shop &7- open up the shop menu"
    - "&e- /mobcoins withdraw <amount> &7- turn virtual mobcoins into physical"
    - "&e- /mobcoins top &7- shows the mobcoins leaderboard"
    - "&e- /mobcoins about &7- see the plugin version and authors"
    - "&e- /mobcoins debug &7- enable/disable debug mode"
    - "&e- /mobcoins give <virtual/physical> <player> <amount> &7- gives virtual/physical mobcoins to the player"
    - "&e- /mobcoins giverandom <virtual/physical> <player> <minimum> <maximum> &7- gives random mobcoins to the player"
    - "&e- /mobcoins opencategory <category> [player] &7- directly open category shop for you or others"
    - "&e- /mobcoins reload &7- reload the configuration"
    - "&e- /mobcoins set <player> <amount> &7- set players mobcoins"
    - "&e- /mobcoins take <player> <amount> &7- take players mobcoins"

These are all messages that are available on the plugin

  • prefix The prefix for the plugin. {prefix} placeholder will return the value of prefix.

  • noPermission This message will be displayed when the player doesn't have any permission to run commands.

  • reload This message will be displayed when reload command is being executed.

  • balance This message will be displayed when the player views their own balance, and it has an internal placeholder {coins} to show how many coins that the player has.

  • balanceOthers This message will be displayed when someone views others balance. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the players username. - {coins} - return the players mobcoins amount.

  • playerNotExists This message will be displayed when a command with the player variable is being executed and the player is not online

  • notInt This message will be displayed when commands with amount variables are being executed and the given variable is not a number.

  • addCoins This message will be displayed when /mobcoins give or /mobcoins giverandom command is being executed. And the message will be displayed to the command executor. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the amount of mobcoins that the target received. - {type} - return the given type of mobcoins, "virtual" or "physical".

  • addCoinsOthers This message will be displayed when /mobcoins give or /mobcoins giverandom command is being executed. And the message will be displayed to the target. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the amount of mobcoins that the target received. - {type} - return the given type of mobcoins, "virtual" or "physical".

  • invalidTypes This message will be displayed when the command executor failed to give valid types when using /mobcoins give or /mobcoins giverandom command. All available types are physical/p and virtual/v.

  • removeCoins This message will be displayed when /mobcoins take command is being executed. And the message will be displayed to the command executor. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the amount of mobcoins that being taken.

  • removeCoinsOthers This message will be displayed when /mobcoins take command is being executed. And the message will be displayed to the target. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the amount of mobcoins that being taken.

  • setCoins This message will be displayed when /mobcoins set command is being executed. And the message will be displayed to the command executor. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the amount of mobcoins.

  • setCoinsOthers This message will be displayed when /mobcoins set command is being executed. And the message will be displayed to the target. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the amount of mobcoins.

  • notEnoughCoins This message will be displayed when player using /mobcoins pay command, buying items on the shop and they do not have the amount of mobcoins that's required.

  • selfPay This message will be displayed when players trying to pay themselves or using /mobcoins pay command on themselves.

  • pay This message will be displayed whenthe player using /mobcoins pay command. And the command executor will receive this message. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the target username. - {amount} - return the mobcoins amount.

  • payOthers This message will be displayed when the player using /mobcoins pay command, And the target will receive this message. Internal Placeholders: - {player} - return the command executor username. - {amount} - return the mobcoins amount.

  • redeem This message will be displayed when the player redeems the physical mobcoin. Internal Placeholders: - {amount} - return the mobcoins amount.

  • coinsReceived This message will be displayed when the player receives mobcoins from killing mobs. Internal Placeholders: - {amount} - return the mobcoins amount.

  • itemOutOfStock This message will be displayed when the player trying to buy an item from the shop that is out of stock.

  • purchaseLimitReached This message will be displayed when the player trying to buy an item from the shop but the player has reached the purchase limit.

  • minimumAmount This message will be displayed when /mobcoins pay is being executed but the given amount is below 0.

  • inventoryFull This message will be displayed when players trying to buy an item from the shop but their inventory is full.

  • withdraw This message will be displayed when /mobcoins withdraw command is being executed. Internal Placeholders: - {amount} - return the mobcoins amount.

  • categoryNotExists This message will be displayed when /mobcoins opencategory command is being executed, but the category is invalid or doesn't exist, or isn't loaded yet.

  • topLeaderboard This list of messages will be displayed when /mobcoins top command is being executed.

  • help This message will be displayed when /mobcoins help command is being executed while the command executor doesn't have mobcoins.admin permissions.

  • helpAdmin This message will be displayed when /mobcoins help command is being executed while the command executor has mobcoins.admin permissions.

All messages that are not a list messages have {prefix} placeholder.

Full configuration

# If MySQL is disabled, we will use SQLite
  enabled: false
  host: 'localhost'
  database: 'database'
  username: 'username'
  password: 'password'
  port: 3306
  useSSL: false

# Should we auto-save player data in an interval?
# The interval is in seconds
# Required restart If you want to change
  enabled: true
  interval: 300
  sendMessage: true

# Should we notified you when there's an update?
notifyUpdate: true

# How many mobcoins should player start with
starting-balance: 0

# This is the command aliases
  - "mc"
  - "mobcoin"
  - "aliascoin"

# Configuration Information:
#   (physicalMobCoin) should we use physical mobcoins instead virtual mobcoins?
#   (disableMobCoinFromSpawner) should we prevent mob that spawn from spawner to drop mobcoins?
  physicalMobCoin: false
  disableMobCoinFromSpawner: true
  enableMobCoinsReceiveMessage: true

# Configuration Information:
#   (shopBehaviour) Basically tells the plugin what menu should opened up upon executing shop command
#   (shopBehaviour) Available behaviour: MAIN_MENU, ROTATING_SHOP, CATEGORY_SHOP
#   (closeAfterPurchase) Should we close the inventory after purchase?
#   (confirmationMenu) Should we use confirmation menu when purchasing item?
#   (autoUpdate)
#     (enabled) should we always update inventory items info?
#     (updateEvery) how often should we update the items (in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second)?
  shopBehaviour: MAIN_MENU
  closeAfterPurchase: false
  confirmationMenu: true
    enabled: true
    updateEvery: 20

# If you enabled this mode, player will receive notification
# every x amount of seconds on how much that they receive
# mobcoins in that time.
# Configuration Information:
#   (announceEvery) the time is in seconds, 300 seconds = 5 minute.
#   (receiveAfterMessage) should player receive mobcoins after the notification?
  enabled: true
  announceEvery: 300
  receiveAfterMessage: false
    - ''
    - '&6&l[!] Mob &e&lCoins &7(Earning Summary)'
    - '&fYou have earned &6{amount} coins &fin the past 5 minutes!'
    - ''

# List of all placeholders that are being used
# Information:
# placeholders:
#   (unlimitedStock) Will be used when shop item doesn't use stock system
#   (outOfStock) Will be used when shop items is out of stock
#   (mobCoinsTop) All placeholders for mobcoins top leaderboard
#     (nameIfEmpty) Will be used If there is no player on that position
#     (balanceIfEmpty) Will be used If there is no player on that position
#     (uuidIfEmpty) Will be used If there is no player on that position
  unlimitedStock: "&aUnlimited"
  outOfStock: "&c&lOUT OF STOCK"
    nameIfEmpty: "&7None"
    balanceIfEmpty: "0"
    uuidIfEmpty: "none"

# What world should we disable player from receiving mobcoin?
  - 'exampleWorld'
  - 'theonly_world'

# MobCoins items that will be used for physical mobcoin.
  material: SUNFLOWER
  name: "&e&lMobcoins &7(Right Click)"
  glow: false
    - '&7You can use mobcoins to purchase'
    - '&7items on /mobcoins shop!'
    - ''
    - '&6{amount} coins &7are stored in this item!'
    - ''
    - '&6Right click to redeem!'

# Configuration Information
#   (enabled) should we enabled this sound?
#   (name) the name of the sound (
#   (volume) the volume of the sound
#   (pitch) the pitch of the sound
    enabled: true
    volume: 1.0
    pitch: 1.0
    enabled: true
    volume: 1.0
    pitch: 1.0

# Format Information
# titleKey:
#   (enabled) should we send this title to player?
#   (title) the title on the titlebar
#   (subtitle) the subtitle on the titlebar
#   (fadeIn) fade in animation, time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
#   (stay) how long should the title stay, time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
#   (fadeOut) fade out animation, time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
    enabled: true
    title: "&e&l+{amount} MobCoins"
    subTitle: "&fYou just received {amount} coins"
    fadeIn: 20
    stay: 40
    fadeOut: 20

    enabled: true
    message: "&a+{amount} MobCoins"

  prefix: "&e[MobCoins]"
  noPermission: "{prefix} &cYou don't have enough permission!"
  reload: "{prefix} &aYou have reloaded the configuration &7(took {ms}ms)"
  balance: "{prefix} &fYour coins: &e{coins}"
  balanceOthers: "{prefix} &f{player}'s coins: &e{coins}"
  playerNotExists: "{prefix} &cThat player is not online!"
  notInt: "{prefix} &cThe amount argument is not a number!"
  addCoins: "{prefix} &aYou have given &e{amount} &a{type} coins to &e{player}"
  addCoinsOthers: "{prefix} &aYou have received &e{amount} &a{type} coins."
  invalidType: "{prefix} &cInvalid types! &7(physical, virtual)"
  removeCoins: "{prefix} &aYou have removed &e{amount} &acoins from &e{player}"
  removeCoinsOthers: "{prefix} &e{amount} &acoins has been removed from your account!"
  setCoins: "{prefix} &aYou have set &e{player} &acoins to &e{amount}"
  setCoinsOthers: "{prefix} &aYour coins has been set to &e{amount}"
  notEnoughCoins: "{prefix} &cYou don't have enough coins!"
  selfPay: "{prefix} &cYou can not give yourself coins!"
  pay: "{prefix} &aYou have given &e{amount} &acoins to &e{player}"
  payOthers: "{prefix} &aYou have received &e{amount} &acoins from &e{player}"
  redeem: "{prefix} &aYou have redeemed &e{amount} &acoins."
  coinsReceived: "{prefix} &aYou have received &e{amount} &acoins."
  itemOutOfStock: "{prefix} &cItem is out of stock!"
  purchaseLimitReached: "{prefix} &cYou can not purchase this item anymore!"
  minimumAmount: "{prefix} &cThe minimum amount is 1"
  inventoryFull: "{prefix} &cYour inventory is full, Please make some space!"
  withdraw: "{prefix} &aYou have withdrawed &6{amount} &acoins."
  categoryNotExists: "{prefix} &cCategory '{category}' is doesn't exist!"
    - "&6--------------------------------------"
    - "  &7Mobcoins Leaderboard"
    - ""
    - "   &6#1. &7%mobcoins_top_name_1% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_1% coins"
    - "   &6#2. &7%mobcoins_top_name_2% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_2% coins"
    - "   &6#3. &7%mobcoins_top_name_3% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_3% coins"
    - "   &6#4. &7%mobcoins_top_name_4% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_4% coins"
    - "   &6#5. &7%mobcoins_top_name_5% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_5% coins"
    - "   &6#6. &7%mobcoins_top_name_6% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_6% coins"
    - "   &6#7. &7%mobcoins_top_name_7% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_7% coins"
    - "   &6#8. &7%mobcoins_top_name_8% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_8% coins"
    - "   &6#9. &7%mobcoins_top_name_9% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_9% coins"
    - "   &6#10. &7%mobcoins_top_name_10% - &6%mobcoins_top_balance_formatted_10% coins"
    - ""
    - "&6--------------------------------------"
    - "&e&lMobcoins Help &7- by aglerr"
    - "&e- /mobcoins help &7- shows up help messages"
    - "&e- /mobcoins balance [other] &7- see your/others mobcoins balance"
    - "&e- /mobcoins pay <player> <amount> &7- give others mobcoins"
    - "&e- /mobcoins shop &7- open up the shop menu"
    - "&e- /mobcoins withdraw <amount> &7- turn virtual mobcoins into physical"
    - "&e- /mobcoins top &7- shows the mobcoins leaderboard"
    - "&e&lMobcoins Help &7(Admin) - by aglerr"
    - "&e- /mobcoins help &7- shows up help messages"
    - "&e- /mobcoins balance [other] &7- see your/others mobcoins balance"
    - "&e- /mobcoins pay <player> <amount> &7- give others mobcoins"
    - "&e- /mobcoins shop &7- open up the shop menu"
    - "&e- /mobcoins withdraw <amount> &7- turn virtual mobcoins into physical"
    - "&e- /mobcoins top &7- shows the mobcoins leaderboard"
    - "&e- /mobcoins about &7- see the plugin version and authors"
    - "&e- /mobcoins debug &7- enable/disable debug mode"
    - "&e- /mobcoins give <virtual/physical> <player> <amount> &7- gives virtual/physical mobcoins to the player"
    - "&e- /mobcoins giverandom <virtual/physical> <player> <minimum> <maximum> &7- gives random mobcoins to the player"
    - "&e- /mobcoins opencategory <category> [player] &7- directly open category shop for you or others"
    - "&e- /mobcoins reload &7- reload the configuration"
    - "&e- /mobcoins set <player> <amount> &7- set players mobcoins"
    - "&e- /mobcoins take <player> <amount> &7- take players mobcoins"

Last updated