All available placeholders for PlaceholderAPI
Contact us If you want more placeholders to be added!
Return the mobcoins amount that the player have with decimals, e.g 25.293721
Return the mobcoins amount that the player have with formatted number, e.g 2,525.95
Return the mobcoins amount that the player have with number that are rounded.
Return the mobcoins amount that the player have with short formatted, e.g. 1K, 25K, 100K, 5M.
Return the remaining time of normal items that will be refreshed on the rotating shop.
Return the remaining time of special items that will be refreshed on the rotating shop.
Return the remaining time of purchase limit and stock got resetted on the category shop.
Return the name of player that is x position in the leaderboard.
Return the balance of player mobcoins that is x position in the leaderboard. (Same value as %mobcoins_balance%)
Return the balance of player mobcoins that is x position in the leaderboard. (Same value as %mobcoins_balance_rounded%)
Return the balance of player mobcoins that is x position in the leaderboard. (Same value as %mobcoins_balance_formatted%)
Return the balance of player mobcoins that is x position in the leaderboard. (Same value as %mobcoins_balance_shortformat%)
Return the uuid of player that is x position in the leaderboard.
Last updated
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